English - Sessions for international students
The Bibliothèque Sorbonne Nouvelle (BSN) provides a two hours session tailored for international students, in order to foster their academic achievements and their integration in the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle.
The session is given in French, but details could be given in english by the instructors.
This session is optional, but highly recommended. It is open to all international students (“Erasmus+” programme and international programme) without any regards concerning their level or discipline.
The session includes :
- a library tour to present its different collections, materials, areas and services
- an overview of our online services
- a research skills session (search tools, databases)
- a presentation of the parisian libraries network
To register
Sessions will take place at room A201, on the 2nd floor of the Bibliothèque Sorbonne Nouvelle, located 8 avenue de Saint-Mandé, 75012 Paris.
They are planned during the week of the 16th september for the 1st semester, and during january for the second semester (date to be defined).
You may find here the registration form for the academic year 2024-2025
For any further information, you can contact us at : formation-dbu[at]sorbonne-nouvelle.fr. Please specify 'Formations en mobilité' in the subject of your email.